
导读 你们好,我是九旅网的小编小九,我的大学生活英文作文100词,我的大学生活英文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、06 years I ...


1、06 years I follow capital city medicine department university. The university life is substantial.I mastered how to study here, how is a person, how consider, how work. Our courses study a medical science to examine us to have a lot of experiment lessons not much everyday, testing lesson very abundant, there is dissection animal, bio-chemical experiment, the vein takes blood.The lesson remaining years lives an inside, the student association organized a lot of take class as unit to compete, have a singer to fill greatly, skip rope a game etc., everyday the tube of the book is I night the place of the self-study, I learned a lot of lessons to could not go to school originally over there of knowledge, opened widely visual field.The university life will be a precious recollection in my life X年我步入首都医科大学. 大学生活很充实.在这里我学会了如何学习,如何做人,如何思考,如何做事. 每天我们的课程不多,学习医学检验我们有很多的实验课,实验课很丰富,有解剖动物,生化实验,静脉取血.课余生活里,学生会组织了很多以班级为单位的比赛,有歌手大塞,跳绳比赛等等,每天图书管是我晚自习的地方,在那里我学到了很多课本上学不 到的知识,拓宽了视野.大学生活会是我人生中珍贵的回忆. 。
